10.25. Libtool-1.5.26 32 Bit Libraries

Le paquet Libtool contient le script de support de bibliothèques génériques GNU. Il emballe la complexité d'utilisation de bibliothèques partagées dans une interface cohérente et portable.

10.25.1. Installation de Libtool

Préparez la compilation de Libtool :

CC="gcc ${BUILD32}" ./configure --prefix=/usr

Compilez le paquet :


Pour tester les résultats, exécutez : make LDEMULATION=elf_i386 check.

Voici la signification du remplacement de make check :


Libtool tends to do the wrong thing when building for multilib, at least on the non-default size(s) of architecture. The causes of these errors are not well understood and they can appear, or disappear, as a result of apparently innocuous other changes in the build. In this version of the book, one of the tests (pdemo-make) fails to link because it tries to link the 32-bit objects against 64-bit system libraries. This option enables the test to succeed without impacting the other tests (compare the common alternative fixes of LD="gcc ${BUILD32}" which causes far fewer tests to be executed, and configuring with LDFLAGS='-L/lib -L/usr/lib' which in this case causes other tests to fail.)

Installez le paquet :

make install

Les détails sur ce paquet sont disponibles dans Section 10.26.2, “Contenu de Libtool.”