6.38. IPutils-s20071127

The IPutils package contains programs for basic networking.

6.38.1. Environment Settings

This package requires compiler variables to be set for the target in the environment.

export CC="${CLFS_TARGET}-gcc"
export CXX="${CLFS_TARGET}-g++"
export AR="${CLFS_TARGET}-ar"
export AS="${CLFS_TARGET}-as"
export RANLIB="${CLFS_TARGET}-ranlib"
export LD="${CLFS_TARGET}-ld"
export STRIP="${CLFS_TARGET}-strip"

6.38.2. Installation of IPutils

IPutils has various issues addressed by the following patch:

patch -Np1 -i ../iputils-s20071127-fixes-2.patch

The following patch contains the man-pages for IPutils:

patch -Np0 -i ../iputils-s20071127-manpages-2.patch

Compile the package:


This package does not come with a test suite.

Install the package:

install -v -m755 ping{,6} ${CLFS}/bin
install -v -m755 arping ${CLFS}/usr/bin
install -v -m755 clockdiff ${CLFS}/usr/bin
install -v -m755 rdisc ${CLFS}/usr/bin
install -v -m755 tracepath ${CLFS}/usr/bin
install -v -m755 trace{path,route}6 ${CLFS}/usr/bin
install -v -m644 doc/*.8 ${CLFS}/usr/share/man/man8

6.38.3. Contents of iputils

Installed programs: arping, clockdiff, ping, ping6, rdisc. tracepath, tracepath6, and traceroute6

Short Descriptions


Sends echo-request packets and reports how long the replies take. This is the IPV4 version


Sends echo-request packets and reports how long the replies take. This is the IPV6 version