
Introduction à IceWM

IceWM is a window manager with the goals of speed, simplicity, et not getting in the user's way.

Ce paquet est connu pour se construire correctement sur une plateforme LFS-7.4.

Information sur le paquet

Dépendances de IceWM


X Window System et gdk-pixbuf-2.28.2



Notes utilisateur :

Installation de IceWM



This version of IceWM is nominally a development release, but it provides a stable working environment et can be built without using obsolete libraries.

Installez IceWM en lançant les commandes suivantes :

sed -i '/^LIBS/s/\(.*\)/\1 -lfontconfig/' src/ &&
sed -i 's/define deprecated/define ICEWM_deprecated/' src/base.h &&
./configure --prefix=/usr &&

This package does not have a working testsuite.

Maintenant, en tant qu'utilisateur root :

make install &&
make install-docs &&
make install-man &&
make install-desktop

Explications des commandes

sed -i '/^LIBS/s/\(.*\)/\1 -lfontconfig/' src/ : this fixes the build with recent versions of binutils.

sed -i 's/define deprecated/define ICEWM_deprecated/' src/base.h : this fixes the build with current libX11.

Configuring IceWM

Config Files

~/.icewm/keys, ~/.icewm/menu, et ~/.icewm/preferences, et ~/.icewm/toolbar, et ~/.icewm/winoptions. The default versions are installed in /usr/share/icewm/ et will be used if you have not copied them to ~/.icewm.

Configuration Information

If IceWM is the only Window Manager you want to use, you can start it with an .xinitrc file in your home folder. Be sure to backup your current .xinitrc before proceeding.

echo icewm-session > ~/.xinitrc

Now create the IceWM configuration files:

mkdir -v ~/.icewm &&
cp -v /usr/share/icewm/keys ~/.icewm/keys &&
cp -v /usr/share/icewm/menu ~/.icewm/menu &&
cp -v /usr/share/icewm/preferences ~/.icewm/preferences &
cp -v /usr/share/icewm/toolbar ~/.icewm/toolbar &
cp -v /usr/share/icewm/winoptions ~/.icewm/winoptions

You can now edit these files to meet your requirements. In particular, review the preferences file. You can use Logout -> Restart-IceWM on the main menu to load your changed preferences, but changes to the background only take effect when IceWM is started.

The syntax of the menus is explained in the help files, which you can access by running help from the menu, but some of the detail is out of date et the default selections in the menus (a few old applications on the main menu, everything else on the Programs menu) will benefit from being updated to meet your needs. The following examples are provided to encourage you to think about how you wish to organise your menus. Please note the following:

  • If a program listed in the menu has not been installed, it will not appear when the menu is displayed. Similarly, if the program exists but the specified icon does not, no icon will be displayed in the menu.

  • The icons can be either .xpm or .png files, et there is no need to specify the extension. If the icon is located in the "library" (/usr/share/icewm/icons) there is no need to specifiy the path.

  • Most programs are in sub-menus, et the main menu will always append entries for windows, help, settings, logout at the bottom.

  • An icon for firefox was copied to the library directory et given a meaningful name. The icon for xine is xine.xpm which was installed to a pixmap directory.

  • The default toolbar is not altered.

It is unlikely that these examples meet your desires, but if you wish to use them run the following

cat > ~/.icewm/menu << "EOF"
prog Urxvt xterm urxvt
prog GVolWheel /usr/share/pixmaps/gvolwheel/audio-volume-medium gvolwheel
menufile General folder general
menufile Multimedia folder multimedia
menufile Tool_bar folder toolbar
EOF &&
>cat > ~/.icewm/general << "EOF"
prog Firefox firefox firefox
prog Epiphany /usr/share/icons/gnome/16x16/apps/web-browser epiphany
prog Midori /usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/midori midori
prog Gimp /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/gimp gimp
prog Evince /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/evince evince
prog Epdfview /usr/share/epdfview/pixmaps/icon_epdfview-48 epdfview
EOF &&
>cat > ~/.icewm/multimedia << "EOF"
prog Audacious /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/audacious audacious
prog Parole /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/parole parole
prog Totem /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/totem totem
prog Vlc /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/vlc vlc
prog Xine /usr/share/pixmaps/xine xine
EOF &&

If you wish to put icons on your desktop, you will need to install a program such as Rox-Filer-2.11 which provides a pinboard. If you do that you will no longer be able to access the menu by right-clicking on the desktop, you will have to use the IceWM button. To ensure that the rox pinboard is running, the following commands will put it in the startup file:

cat > ~/.icewm/startup << "EOF"
rox -p Default &
EOF &&
chmod +x ~/.icewm/startup


There are a number of keyboard shortcuts in IceWM :

  • Ctrl + Alt + FN : go to ttyN.

  • Ctrl + Alt + N : go to desktop number N

  • Ctrl + Alt + Space : open a box on the taskbar where you can key in the name of an application et run it.


Programmes installés: icehelp, icesh, icewm, icewm-session, icewm-set-gnomewm, icewmbg, icewmhint, icewmtray
Bibliothèques installées: Aucun
Répertoires installés: /usr/share/doc/icewm-1.3.7, /usr/share/icewm et ~/.icewm

Description courte


is used to display the html manual.


is a command-line window manager which can be used in ~/.icewm/startup.


is the window manager.


runs icewmbg, icewm, icewmtray, startup, shutdown (i.e. startup et shutdown scripts are run if installed).


is a script to set the GNOME to icewm using gconftool.


is used to set the background, according to the various DesktopBackground settings in the preferences.


is used internally.


provides the tray.

Last updated on : 2013-03-15 17:26:39 +010